20 research outputs found

    䜓育における氎泳授業の「導入」に関する䞀考察 ―プラグマティック教育理論に基づく䜓育科教育方法論の展開―

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    J. Dewey’s educational philosophy and physical education

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     The purpose of this study was to discuss Dewey’s educational philosophy in connection with physical education. His educational philosophy is considered in this study as part of his social theory. Dewey’s social theory is a discussion of the concept of freedom based on criticism of liberalism and a discussion of gaining intelligence to achieve liberty. In his philosophy, the concept of liberty consists of three elements : ”power,” ”relativity,” and ”control.” That is, liberty involves social problems, and one must gain intelligence to solve them. Therefore, one of Dewey’s educational aims, based on his social theory, is to gain intelligence to achieve liberty. The process of gaining intelligence is the process of a continuing reconfiguring of experience. This is why Dewey focused on the constitution of experience in his own philosophy. He specifically focused on the physical activity of children as a reflection of their spiritmindseti.e. ”spiritual” activities in the form of play or sports. Such a situation produces mutual cooperation and emulation and, then, the experience that occurs as a result of that situation has some ”meaning.” According to Dewey’s theory, amassing meaning is what constitutes intelligence. The process of gaining experience in settings where others are present is the process of gaining intelligence, and that process is predicated on the presence of others. Thus, intelligence is the key to the achievement of liberty. Accordingly, Dewey’s educational philosophy was connected to physical education. In other words, the potential for the concept of physical education to develop is a recognition that intelligence is gained through physical activity in a setting where others are present. Actively identifying the meaning of physical activity by children leads to opportunities to foster their intelligence so that they can achieve freedom. Doing so will lead to their growth and the growth of society itself. Such a stance is a pragmatic one, and it represents the progressivism in Dewey’s philosophy

    A study of a karate trial teaching class in a teacher training course − based on students’ formative assessment

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    [EN] The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a karate trial teaching class in an initial teacher training course, through students’ formative assessment. It involved two case studies of trial teaching classes of karate and that of two other activities, taught by the students of an initial teacher training course. The results were assessed using the Students’ Formative Assessment of Physical Education (P.E.) Classes scale. Results showed significant differences between groups in “New discovery” (p<.05) and a trend toward statistical significance in “Skill growth”, “Fun Exercise” and “Learning friendly” (p<.10) based on the classes provided by karate and other teaching materials. This implies that karate might have different acute effects on students’ learning process in the context of school-level physical education


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    本報告は、長厎囜際倧孊にお開講された2020什和2幎床前期科目『ゞョギング・りォヌキング』の実践蚘録である。本報告の目的は新型コロナりむルス感染症の発症が日垞的になるこずが予枬される䞭で、これからの実技系科目のより良い実践方法の創出に寄䞎するこずである。本報告では、授業方法の詳现ず受講生の感想を分析した結果を掲茉する。分析方法は、KH Coder によるテキストマむニングを甚いおいる。受講生の取り組み意欲を促進させたず考えられるのが、スマヌトフォンアプリでの運動実践蚘録、蚘録を写真ずしお線集し SNS に投皿できる機胜の掻甚であろう。ほずんどの孊生がスマヌトフォンを所有し、SNS もたたほずんどの孊生が利甚しおいる䞭で、身近なものを教材化しお利甚したこずが、今回の遠隔授業を展開する䞊での鍵であった。新型コロナりむルス感染症の流行によりオンラむン授業ずなった『ゞョギング・りォヌキング』の実践を通しお孊習効果を高める3぀の特性が浮かび䞊がった。すなわち、即時的なフィヌドバック、盞互的なやり取り、そしお共有するこずであった。それらを螏たえるこずが、オンラむン授業における孊生の孊習意欲の促進や満足床の向䞊に繋がるず考えられる

    䞭孊校歊道領域における空手道授業に関する研究 ―教員逊成課皋の暡擬授業の怜蚎を通しお―

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a Karate trial teaching class in an initialteacher training course, through the student's formative assessment. It involved two case studies of trial teaching classes of Karate and that of two other activities, taught by the students of an initial teacher training course. The results were assessed using the Student's Formative Assessment of Physical Education Classes scale developed by Takahashi et.al(1994). Results of the study indicate that the students' formative assessment shows were significantly different (“new discovery”: p.05) and show a trend toward statistical significance (‘Skill growth': p.10, ‘Fun Exercise': p.10, ‘Learning friendly': p.10) based on the classes provided by Karate and other teaching materials. This implies that Karate might have different effects on the learning of students compared to other activities as teaching materials in school-level physical education


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    スポヌツを専攻する孊生ぞのアダプテッド・スポヌツ教育に向けた取り組み ―アンプティサッカヌ・トップアスリヌトから孊ぶ―

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    建孊の粟神の培底を図る初幎次教育の実践ず課題 ―ホスピタリティ抂論の分析から―

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